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Print Bibles for Children in Eurasia!

Matching funds from My Father’s World can double the impact of your donation

There’s a Children’s Bible ready to be printed in the Bashkir language, but there’s a problem.

Unfortunately, no funds are available to print them.

The good news is you can help print these Children’s Bibles — with a special gift as low as $8!

You can provide a Children’s Bible for only $8 — for a child who has never had a Bible in their language!

$40 will print 5 copies for five children!

And My Father’s World will match your gift, no matter how much, up to the first $12,000 received. So, your $8 will become $16. Your $40 will become $80!

That’s 10 children who will have a Bible in their language for the first time.

But you must give by midnight, September 30, or your gift will not be doubled.

Will you send your best gift to print Bibles for children?

Eurasian child holding a baby animal

Yes! I want to help put a Bible in the hands of a child in Eurasia.


Billing address

Give by Check or Billpay

Mail your check payable to:

God’s Word for the Nations
P.O. Box 1259
Rolla, MO 65402

Your entire gift will go toward the project with the greatest need.

Many banks offer a free billpay feature which can be used to send a one-time gift or to establish recurring monthly gifts. Set up your bill pay to the address above. If an account number is required, enter 25104462.

Children at Grahan Camp - Sar Pass (YHAI), Sosan, India